
Exhibition Slide Show

Fluxface in Space


Holly Armishaw said...

It's so nice to see the faces behind the names and the work of our contemporaries.

Mobius, Inc. said...

The score is an excerpt from a 24 minute piece which was originally created for "When It All Comes Into Sight", a collaboration between Jason Hendrik Hansma (Australia/The Netherlands) and Jane Wang (The Mobius Artist Group) which was exhibited and performed at Mobius in Boston, MA, USA, using mathematical mappings of graphs from the paper ON THE WEAKENING OF THE POLAR MAGNETIC FIELDS DURING SOLAR CYCLE 23 by Y.-M. Wang, E. Robbrecht1 , and N. R. Sheeley, Jr. - Space Science Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375-5352, USA; The Astrophysical Journal, 707:1372–1386, 2009 published 2009 December 4, and audio clips from outerspace (NASA sound recordings).

Thanks so much Gary, Cecil and Angela for this fantastic project!

Peace, Jane